
German Employment Regulations and Implementation Practices

Recently, Slasify was invited to speak at an online webinar organized by HiredChina about hiring in Germany. During the event, Slasify delivered an insightful presentation for companies interested in hiring in Germany. The session covered essential information on employment regulations and compliance requirements that need to be addressed before hiring in Germany. Additionally, it highlighted […]


Employer Contribution in Japan

The Land of the Rising Sun, renowned for its rich culture and technological advancements, has disciplined employers fulfilling their obligations through various social security contributions. These contributions help fund a multitude of social protection schemes, including Health insurance, Long-term Care insurance, Welfare Pension insurance, and Child Allowance premiums, among other things. Calculated based on the […]


Employer Contribution in the Philippines

In the Philippines, also known as the Pearl of the Orient Seas, employers prioritize the well-being of their employees. They fulfill their obligations by contributing to the Social Security System (SSS), Philippines Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC), and Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG). Contributions to the SSS encompassing regular SS, the Mandatory Provident Fund (WISP) and […]


Navigating Taxation and Tax Filing for Hong Kong Salaries: A Comprehensive Guide

Hong Kong’s dynamic economy and favorable business environment attract professionals worldwide to seek job opportunities in this thriving metropolis. As individuals earning a salary in Hong Kong, understanding the local taxation system is essential for financial prudence. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to demystify the complexities of taxation, empowering readers to make informed financial […]


The Role of Employer of Record Services in Streamlining International Payroll in Singapore

In today’s interconnected world, international expansion presents businesses with unparalleled opportunities for increased revenue, access to diverse talent pools, and global recognition. Among the enticing destinations for companies seeking growth, Singapore stands out as a beacon of economic opportunity and stability. With its business-friendly environment, political stability, skilled workforce, and strategic location in Southeast Asia, […]


Employer Contribution in Vietnam

A vibrant country nestled in Southeast Asia, Vietnam boasts a rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and a rapidly evolving economy. With its robust market potential and favorable business environment, the Land of the Blue Dragon has become an enticing destination for companies looking to expand their operations. To successfully navigate Vietnam’s business landscape, it is […]


Hong Kong Hiring Compliance Simplified: A Comprehensive Overview

Hiring compliance plays a pivotal role in establishing and maintaining a thriving business in the dynamic landscape of Hong Kong. As the business environment continues to evolve, employers must possess a deep understanding of the intricate legal requirements and regulations that govern hiring practices. By ensuring compliance, employers can navigate the complexities of the hiring […]


Employer Contribution in Indonesia

Indonesia, a vibrant archipelago situated in Southeast Asia, encompasses a diverse cultural heritage, stunning natural landscapes, and a rapidly emerging market economy. As the world’s fourth most populous nation and the largest economy in Southeast Asia, Indonesia has prioritized enhancing its business climate through progressive economic reforms, fostering investment opportunities, and attracting multinational corporations for […]


The Top Challenges of Managing a Global Workforce and How Slasify Can Help

In today’s interconnected world, where businesses are constantly seeking new opportunities and growth avenues, the concept of a global workforce has become increasingly prevalent. Expanding operations across borders brings immense potential for tapping into diverse talent pools and accessing new markets. However, along with these opportunities come significant challenges that businesses must navigate to ensure […]


How Employer of Record Services Can Simplify Expansion into Singapore

Expanding a business into new markets, particularly in foreign territories, poses a multitude of challenges. Each country has its unique regulations, employment laws, and cultural nuances, making the process complex and time-consuming. Singapore, a thriving business hub in Southeast Asia, is no exception. However, businesses can simplify their expansion into Singapore significantly by capitalizing on […]


Navigating International Employment Laws: How Slasify Can Help Your Business Stay Compliant

In an increasingly globalized world, businesses are expanding their operations across borders, tapping into new markets, and employing talent from different countries. While international expansion offers numerous opportunities, it also brings a unique set of challenges, particularly when it comes to complying with complex international employment laws. Failure to adhere to these laws can result […]


Why Every Business Needs a Global Payroll Provider: The Advantages of Using Slasify

Payroll is a critical component of any business’s operations. Ensuring accurate and timely payment to employees across different countries is vital for maintaining their satisfaction and avoiding legal complexities. However, managing global payroll can pose significant challenges. This is where Slasify, a trusted global payroll provider, can make a difference. In this article, we explore […]


Singapore Hiring Compliance Simplified: A Comprehensive Overview

Learn how to maintain compliance with Singapore’s CPF regulations regarding CPF contributions, rates, and guidelines. Discover the benefits of HR and payroll software solutions in Singapore to streamline CPF compliance processes. Find out more about CPF contribution calculators and HR software options. Ensure accurate deductions and contributions while simplifying CPF compliance for your organization.


Avoid the Compliance Conundrum: The Importance and Consequences of Compliant Employment

The importance of being a compliant employer cannot be overstated. A compliant employer is a business or organization that adheres to all relevant laws, regulations, and requirements related to employment. This can include issues such as pay, benefits, working conditions, health and safety, and tax.

Being a compliant employer means taking all necessary steps to ensure that the business is operating in accordance with the law and all relevant regulations. Businesses must be aware of all relevant laws and regulations in order to be compliant employers, and to have systems in place to make sure they are followed.

Employer Contribution

Employer Contribution in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a major hub for international trade and finance, with a large port and airport, and a major financial center. It is also home to a number of major multinational corporations, and is a center for business services, such as accounting, consulting, and legal services.

However, when consider expanding to Hong Kong, there are a few local labor regulations that you need to pay attention to when hiring in Hong Kong. Aside from monthly salaries, employers in Hong Kong need to contribute to the Mandatory Provident Funds of their employees according to the local labor law.


Understanding Digital Nomad Visa

When working remotely, all remote workers can enjoy the flexibility to work from anywhere outside the office. However, there are some possible HR implications for companies to allow employees to work remotely overseas. By law, when entering a country with a tourist visa, it is the visitor’s responsibility to perform work or engage with the local workforce there. This is where digital nomads’ visas can play an important role to allow remote workers to work beyond borders.


Breaking Down Geography-based Salary For Your Global Teams

With the rising trend of remote work, many employees are considering relocating to an ideally better and less expensive neighborhood area to move in. Employees now don’t need to find accommodations close to their office anymore. In fact, employees are now more than ever to have the freedom to decide on where to work. However, geography-based pay comprises many complex factors. For this reason, it is crucial to acknowledge various approaches employers can take to implement these policies. 


Employment Risk Management Playbook for Global Team

What is employment risk, and what are those risks? Employment risk applies to both employees and employers when legal employment is formed. Whether it is a blue-collar or white-collar job, every job comes with a risk. By definition, employment risk is a risk that is inherent in an employee’s job or work site. This is where employers come in to provide employees with insurance and other perks to ensure the employees’ well-being. While employee risk management includes ensuring both mental and physical wellbeing, protecting employees’ labor rights, and preventing any of those rights to be violated by the employer are also included as part of the employees’ risk to manage. 


All About Payroll: Get to Know Various Payroll Outsourcing Services for Your Business

t is not uncommon for many businesses to resort to third-party services to provide them with the extra hand to handle payroll. However, there are numerous outsourcing services related to payroll that offer other human resource management services payroll. To name a few, in this article we will be comparing an accounting firm, payroll agency, and Employer of Record (EOR). 


Cross-Border Employment is More Than Just International Banking Transfer

To the employers and enterprises, there are some other factors that need to be taken into consideration when hiring overseas talent, aside from just international bank transfer. And truth to be told, perhaps your ability wasn’t even part of the equation as to why the overseas company couldn’t proceed with the employment this time around. If anything, they highly respect your value that they will not proceed with the employment process without providing the rest of the employment package such as social contributions and other relevant benefits that are required under the local labor law.