Slasify through its vetted and trusted partners has a global service coverage of 150+ countries and currently has trusted by hundreds of clients.
Remote Taiwan
Remote Taiwan is the biggest community promoting remote working/digital nomads/freelancer culture in Taiwan. Hope to bring flexible working style and concept for workers and enterprises. And connecting remote workers together.
Remote Taiwan 在台湾开始推广Remote working/Digital Nomad文化,希望你在喜欢的地方工作,同时公司组织也找到最适合的人,让彼此用更有效率的方式工作,希望这种灵活的工作模式能为现今的工作组织与个人生活带入更多活力与弹性。
HKESE is new generation recruitment and talent community platform founded in 2017. With 100,000 monthly active users, HKESE successfully serves as a platform for employers and talents to match and connect. Its missions are to promote the future of works and connect talents by creating a talent community.
HKESE 是新世代求职招聘平台、自由工作人才社群,致力于推动新自由工作模式,满足新世代的求职征才需要。平台支持各类型全职 Full-time、兼职Part-time、自由工作 Freelance、短期及临时工作的求职招聘。成立于2017年,平台现时每月有超过10万个雇主及人才用户。人才用户可通过平台建立个人档案、找工作;雇主用户可利用平台免費刊登招聘广告及搜寻人才。
Giftpack’s AI-powered solution simplifies the corporate gifting process and amplifies the impact of personalized gifts. We’re crafting memorable touchpoints by sending personalized gifts selected out of a curated pool of 3 million options with just one click. Our AI technology efficiently analyzes each recipient’s social media, cultural background, and digital footprint to customize gift options at scale. We take care of generating, ordering, and shipping gifts worldwide. We’re transforming the way people build authentic business relationships by sending smarter gifts faster with gifting CRM.
Giftpack 是一个以人工智能为基底的企业送礼平台,打造送礼的CRM以数据驱动的方式大幅提升销售转换率、客户留存率与员工互动率。我们将难以大量客制化每个礼物的痛点通过技术转换成弹指之间的事,在极短的时间内通过资料分析在全球超过上百万件的商品、替您数以万计的收礼者都找到最适合的礼物并寄送到全世界各地,大幅度省去以往耗时的过程。
It is always not easy to land on a dream job. You would need to know who you are and what you want. You could browse all articles here freely and whenever you have doubts, curatecareer is always willing to help!
Terminal 1
Terminal 1 specializes in IT/engineering recruitment. We are a few of the Recruitment Agencies in the market to bind experienced engineers (ex-Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn…etc.) and seasoned recruiters in one team to work side by side to source the best fit of candidates for our clients, as well as landing the dream job for our candidates. Our matching service is now present in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia and other APAC regions.
Terminal 1由香港出发,是一家专业的工程师招募平台,通过平台上的诊断评量与媒合机制,会比传统人资部门用人工筛选的方式,更有效率地帮企业招募到合适的技术人才,也同時更有效率地帮人才找到合适的舞台。自 2016 年成立以來,我们的媒合服务已拓展至台湾、澳洲与新加坡市场。