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Why Businesses are Expanding to Southeast Asia

Expanding your business is a significant strategic move, one that demands careful consideration. Often, businesses opt for more familiar routes and target established markets in the West or East Asia during their global expansion plans. However, in this preference for what’s familiar, an undiscovered goldmine often lies in plain sight: Southeast Asia (SEA). Amidst the […]

Slasify DEI
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5 Strategies to Promote DEI in Remote Work Environments

In recent years, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have become increasingly important, both in societal and organizational contexts. Business leaders are embracing these principles, recognizing that they not only fulfill moral imperatives but also serve as a critical means to access diverse global talent pools. While ongoing debates question the efficacy and authenticity of implemented […]

Featured Article

Talent Trends in Hong Kong: A Positive Outlook for Professionals & Businesses

In recent years, Hong Kong has faced a significant and worrisome challenge: a notable shortage of talent that puts its status as a global business hub in jeopardy. But amidst this uncertain backdrop, there’s a glimmer of hope emerging – professionals are returning to the city, drawn in by a captivating mix of cosmopolitan charm, […]

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Best Practices for Global Remote Employee Management

The traditional 9-to-5 office routine is slowly becoming a thing of the past. Instead, more and more people are embracing the freedom and possibilities that come with remote work. However, managing remote teams is not just about dealing with technical issues or solving conflicts–it’s a lot more complex. Therefore, this article will delve into five […]

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Recruitment to Termination Challenges for Global Entities

Navigating the complexities of international expansion presents a range of challenges for global entities. One critical area that businesses should always consider carefully is workforce management, particularly when it comes to effectively overseeing the entire employee lifecycle. In this article, we will dive into the key challenges faced by international employers in employees’ life cycle […]

employer contribution Philippines Slasify

Employer Contribution in the Philippines

In the Philippines, also known as the Pearl of the Orient Seas, employers prioritize the well-being of their employees. They fulfill their obligations by contributing to the Social Security System (SSS), Philippines Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC), and Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG). Contributions to the SSS encompassing regular SS, the Mandatory Provident Fund (WISP) and […]


Slasify: Augment Mode Feature

In today’s dynamic landscape of technology and software development, businesses often grapple with the challenge of optimizing their existing resources to stay competitive and innovative. Augment mode emerges as a strategic solution tailored for organizations already equipped with substantial technological capabilities and proficient teams. Driven by a compelling desire to elevate their technical prowess and […]

Featured Article

PEO or HRO: A Comprehensive Comparison

Picture this: you’re a business owner looking to hire workers from different countries, but dealing with all the legal rules, paperwork, and local requirements is just giving you a massive headache. Indeed, successful businesses and employers often join forces with industry experts to outsource parts of their operations for enhanced efficiency. As for payroll matters, […]

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5 Reasons Why Business Expansion is a Bad Idea

International business expansion is often regarded as a crucial move for businesses aiming to seize the global market. However, a study found that many regional businesses encounter challenges when expanding abroad, as numerous factors come into play. In fact, without the appropriate payroll partner, staying local and refraining from premature globalization may prove to be […]


Navigating Taxation and Tax Filing for Hong Kong Salaries: A Comprehensive Guide

Hong Kong’s dynamic economy and favorable business environment attract professionals worldwide to seek job opportunities in this thriving metropolis. As individuals earning a salary in Hong Kong, understanding the local taxation system is essential for financial prudence. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to demystify the complexities of taxation, empowering readers to make informed financial […]

Global Trends

Global Hiring Made Easy: Tech-Forward Payroll Services for Singapore Businesses

Welcome to the future of global hiring in Singapore, where technological advancements have shattered the barriers of geographical limitations for local businesses in their pursuit of top-notch talent. In this rapidly evolving tech landscape in Singapore, the world becomes your talent pool, and Slasify stands at the forefront, offering the ultimate solution to simplify international […]

Global Trends

The Future of Global Payroll: Trends and Forecasts

The future of work is intricately connected to the evolution of global payroll, a vital aspect of modern business operations that directly impacts employees’ financial well-being and organizational efficiency. In this era of rapid technological advancements and dynamic work environments, organizations are recognizing the limitations of complex in-house payroll systems and are increasingly turning to […]


The Role of Employer of Record Services in Streamlining International Payroll in Singapore

In today’s interconnected world, international expansion presents businesses with unparalleled opportunities for increased revenue, access to diverse talent pools, and global recognition. Among the enticing destinations for companies seeking growth, Singapore stands out as a beacon of economic opportunity and stability. With its business-friendly environment, political stability, skilled workforce, and strategic location in Southeast Asia, […]


Employer Contribution in Vietnam

A vibrant country nestled in Southeast Asia, Vietnam boasts a rich cultural heritage, breathtaking landscapes, and a rapidly evolving economy. With its robust market potential and favorable business environment, the Land of the Blue Dragon has become an enticing destination for companies looking to expand their operations. To successfully navigate Vietnam’s business landscape, it is […]


Exploring the Integrated Approach to Software Engineering Outsourcing

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, businesses are increasingly embracing outsourcing as a strategic solution to their software engineering needs. While traditional outsourcing models often encounter challenges such as communication gaps, misalignment of goals, and limited control over the development process, the integrated approach to software engineering outsourcing has emerged as a transformative solution. This […]

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Discover Slasify’s Software Engineering Outsourcing Expertise

In the fast-paced digital era, businesses worldwide are turning to software engineering outsourcing as a strategic solution to drive innovation, improve operational efficiency, and foster sustainable growth. As a leader in the industry, Slasify stands out by delivering exceptional outsourcing services that are designed to meet the evolving needs of businesses. With a deep understanding […]


Mitigating Risks: Ensuring Quality and Security in Outsourced Software Engineering

Outsourcing software engineering has experienced a surge in popularity as businesses recognize the potential benefits of accessing external expertise and cost savings. However, amidst these advantages, it is essential to acknowledge the accompanying risks that arise in terms of maintaining quality and security in outsourced software development. In this informative blog post, we will delve […]


Key Factors to Evaluate When Outsourcing Software Engineering Services

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where businesses strive to stay competitive and agile, outsourcing software engineering services has emerged as a popular strategy. By collaborating with external software development teams, companies can tap into specialized skills, reduce costs, and expedite product development. However, it is important to recognize that not all outsourcing arrangements are created […]


Hong Kong Hiring Compliance Simplified: A Comprehensive Overview

Hiring compliance plays a pivotal role in establishing and maintaining a thriving business in the dynamic landscape of Hong Kong. As the business environment continues to evolve, employers must possess a deep understanding of the intricate legal requirements and regulations that govern hiring practices. By ensuring compliance, employers can navigate the complexities of the hiring […]

Featured Article

Top Payroll Challenges Faced by Businesses in Singapore

Managing payroll in Singapore is a complex and time-consuming task due to the country’s dynamic business landscape, ever-evolving regulatory environment, and diverse workforce. With a thriving economy and strict regulations governing areas such as mandatory contributions and tax compliance, businesses face the challenge of staying updated and ensuring accurate calculations. Additionally, managing employee benefits, deductions, […]


Key Considerations for Choosing an Employer of Record for Your Singapore Operations

When expanding your business operations to Singapore, you are embarking on an exciting journey of growth and opportunity. However, amidst the excitement, there are crucial decisions that demand your attention. One such decision is selecting an Employer of Record (EOR) – a strategic partner who will play a vital role in managing your human resources […]


Employer Contribution in Indonesia

Indonesia, a vibrant archipelago situated in Southeast Asia, encompasses a diverse cultural heritage, stunning natural landscapes, and a rapidly emerging market economy. As the world’s fourth most populous nation and the largest economy in Southeast Asia, Indonesia has prioritized enhancing its business climate through progressive economic reforms, fostering investment opportunities, and attracting multinational corporations for […]