來自台灣的凱若,是地中海美式品牌MiVida的主理人, 同時經營擁有10萬粉絲專頁的李栓粉專《凱若 MiVida Carol》。成為母親的那一刻,因為想陪伴著還蓻長大,凱若開啟了19年的創業之旅,一路從台灣、德國、到了現在一家四口定居西班牙。凱若早在遠距工作、數位遊牧一族這些名詞都還未出現的年代,就成為一個十足的遠距工作者,是WFH的先驅,今天我們特別邀請Slasify和讀者們分享,她是怎麼開啟遠距工作的?提供給你們參考!
Slasify|We Satisfy Your Global EOR & Payroll Needs Slasify is not just another Global EOR (Employer of Record) and Payroll service provider, our technology on the one-stop remote worker management platform allows us to disrupt the staffing industry. We have over 10,000 remote talents in our network with over 80% of which are in the IT sector and around 1,000 talents are currently deployed. We are currently working with companies that are listed on the Fortune 100. We handle all payroll tax headaches and local employees' compliance efficiently in 150+ countries, especially in the Greater China region, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, and the USA. Change How You Work & Pay Remotely We aim to support employers focus on global expansion by hiring remote talents, without setting up their own entities in different countries. It will be a hassle-free process by our Global EOR and Payroll team. Slasify has strong experiences in providing cross-border payments, we pride ourselves on the speed that we can execute projects through our platform (usually within 24-48 hours depending on which region of the world the clients are in). Simplicity, flexibility, security, expert support. Slasify, your best remote HR solution.
來自台灣的凱若,是地中海美式品牌MiVida的主理人, 同時經營擁有10萬粉絲專頁的李栓粉專《凱若 MiVida Carol》。成為母親的那一刻,因為想陪伴著還蓻長大,凱若開啟了19年的創業之旅,一路從台灣、德國、到了現在一家四口定居西班牙。凱若早在遠距工作、數位遊牧一族這些名詞都還未出現的年代,就成為一個十足的遠距工作者,是WFH的先驅,今天我們特別邀請Slasify和讀者們分享,她是怎麼開啟遠距工作的?提供給你們參考!