線上論壇|SparkLabs & Slasify Taipei DemoDay 5 後疫情時代之數位轉型與新創趨勢
SparkLabs Taipei DemoDay 5 登場!
想知道重量級創業家們如何從零打造 SaaS 服務,而又是如何快速成長、進而獲得收購的嗎?AI 及 AR 等技術又是如何徹底重塑美妝產業的消費者體驗?新創團隊們面對疫情又是如何在短短一週內迅速轉型為提供消費者快送蔬果箱的精彩故事?後疫情時代遠距工作趨勢為人才市場帶來什麼樣的機會? 還有更多精彩的創業經驗與最新趨勢分享!
活動時間:2021/8/5 PM 14:00-17:00
線上收看全台最大 DemoDay! 本次 SparkLabs Taipei DemoDay 5 不但有第五屆團隊分享他們如何在疫情爆發後,短短一週內迅速轉型的精彩故事,更有他們如何協助後疫情時代的數位轉型的精彩分享!
除此以外,還有重量級創業家分享如何從零打造 SaaS 服務,成長並獲得收購,並有最新的科技趨勢 AI 及 AR 如何徹底重塑美妝產業的消費者體驗!若想知道最新的新創趨勢,你絕對不能錯過!

SparkLabs Taipei DemoDay 5 registration is now OPEN!
Join us on Taiwan’s largest DemoDay ( Virtual Event )
In the event Batch 5 startups will share many incredible stories, such as how they launched B2C grocery delivery within one week after the pandemic heated up, and how the remote working trend influences the global talent market.
In the fireside chat sessions the speakers will also share how they grew their SaaS products from zero all the way to acquisition, as well as how AI & AR technologies are reshaping the beauty industry’s customer experience.
What to expect at Online DemoDay 5:
・Learn about the latest startup tech trends by their exciting pitches
・Join DemoDay 5 with worldwide top industry leaders, corporate executives, and investors
・Gain insights from global thought leaders and experts
・Learn from serial entrepreneurs about their entrepreneurship journeys
Date: 8/5 (Thursday) 14:pm – 17:00pm ( Taipei Standard Time )
Video Source: SparkLabs Taipei

Slasify 是專為遠距工作世代打造全球薪資結算及名義雇主解決方案的一站式平台,提供遠距人才媒合、全球跨境薪轉、跨境人事代理、權益稅務合規化等服務,服務區域涵蓋200個國家及地區,為超過100家企業執行人力部署,提供最便捷的方式來執行職缺面試流程、組建虛擬團隊、線上工資單、數位合約簽署以及支付遠程工作者薪資等功能。