
遠距生活|Anywhere 未來工作者社群 香港-清邁 見習遊牧者計劃


根據Airbnb 的旅行和生活報告,與 2019 年相比,2021 年第 1 季在 Airbnb 入住 28 晚以上的住宿比例增加了 10%。2021 年,有 11% 的長期住宿預訂者表示他們過著遊牧式的生活;在 5 個不同國家受訪的旅客中,有 74% 表示有興趣在疫情結束後,住在公司據點之外的地方,可參考:遠距生活|疫情之後,你期待去哪裡邊旅行邊工作?Airbnb 數位游牧者贊助計劃此篇文章。Anywhere 是一個位於香港的未來工作者社群,同樣也提供了數位遊牧的見習計劃。

We, at Anywhere, curate global community-based memberships, enabling like-minded people to live, work, grow and connect with this new way of lifestyle. Started with a vision to empower the new future of nomadism, we at Anywhere are dedicated to help the new generation embrace a blend of work and vacation like never before. 

Anywhere 是一個未來工作者社群,建立願景是為未來的工作者創造可能性,增加流動性,以及保有人性化的生活。
Anywhere 會為會員提供全方位的支持,搜羅各城市行動辦公室、提供各種相關資訊內容及專業服務,還會提供配合新生活方式同各種活動。長遠而言,Anywhere希望連繫享受數碼生活方式的人群,建立屬於亞太區會員社群網絡。

For those who value experiences and crave connection, always open to learning from new cultures and gaining a new perspective. Other motivated professionals who take their ambitions seriously but still love to have fun in their down time. We are going to issue an Anywhere Passport for you! 

你喜歡學習新觀點、探索新文化,總是在找各種有趣的人事物?讓我們推薦你Anywhere Passport!

Anywhere provides our Passport Holder with decent places to stay, travel, work, live and get connected indefinitely.  Plus, we use our in-depth local knowledge to create thousands of authentic activities and meet-ups in Asia.


Anywhere aims at increasing the young generation’s mobility and possibilities in this globalized environment. We put our heart, soul, and wanderlust into providing our Passport Holders with a new and exciting way to get connected and explore the world.


Anywhere 香港-清邁見習遊牧者計劃



尋找兩位來自不同背景的人成為Anywhere清邁見習遊牧者!每位最多可帶一位陪伴成員,在1/11/2021-31/10/2022 期間挑選一個月,在泰國清邁見習數位遊牧民族生活,18歲以上居住香港的數位遊牧愛好者即可報名。



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